
As a photographer, I seek to capture the pleasing shapes and images so easily discovered near my cabin on Vashon island, Washington, and in the communities nearby. Especially now that I have a bit longer to look for them, I find subjects for my photographs in an ever expanding realm of possibilities.

I find that photographic art can be stark and subdued, complicated, or as simple as a photograph taken with a cell phone — the modern-day Polaroid “snap shot.” Moreover, the former darkroom development of pictures is now largely replaced by software and new printing techniques, each one allowing for the creation of many different types and forms of photographic images. In this type of creative process, the original image photographed can be just the beginning of my artistic effort. In short, to create the image seen in my mind when I took the photograph takes thought and technical work, and the utilizing of software tools that mimic all those techniques formerly used in the dark room. The result of this work, creative in every aspect of the techniques utilized, is a photograph showing my artist intent, my “mind’s eye” view, of the subject photographed.

Each image stands alone as a complete work. Yet, a combination of images from the ocean or those of row boats, or ships, can make a powerful statement in design or decorating at home, in the office or other environment. Some images presented are especially complementary to each other, but some find power in juxtaposition by playing off one another. Whether as an ensemble or a stand-alone photograph, each offering evokes an emotion or feeling unique to that image. I hope you enjoy.